Colloidal Iridium 5ppm

90,35 139,00 

Colloidal iridium: The booster for the brain – with far-reaching consequences.

Colloidal iridium provides mental vitality and creativity, sharpens our senses and perception and accelerates thinking and decision-making processes. The very rare metal awakens the psychic abilities that lie dormant within us and activates the pineal gland. Together with rhodium, it makes up 5% of the mass of the brain (dry mass) – not without reason! Iridium optimizes the processes in the brain and at the same time lets us develop and expand new abilities.

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Benefits of colloidal iridium

  • Has antioxidant, anti-aging effect
  • Improves brain metabolism
  • Promotes mental activity and creativity
  • Activates the pineal gland and the 3rd eye
  • Increases concentration, intuition and sensitivity
  • Improves signal transmission between synapses / nerve cells

Further range of application

  • Improvement of memory and concentration
  • Increasing mental and physical energy
  • Against chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • Against depressive moods
  • For poorly healing injuries

What is colloidal iridium?

Real colloidal iridium is very fine iridium particles that float in water and do not form a bond with the water. The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometers (1 nm = one billionth of a meter). Iridium cannot be produced as an electrolytic solution (low-voltage electrolysis) because the lattice energy is too strong to dissolve out tiny colloids.  The colloid particles of this liquid dispersion can technically only be produced by high-voltage electrolysis, which has a significant influence on the properties, quality and bioavailability. You can learn more about the application and dosage of colloids in the FGS info portal.

Produced in the high-voltage plasma process

We at Trimedea have chosen the complex high-voltage plasma process with 10,000 volts. Because only with this high quality technology, when used correctly, we achieve the best possible quality of colloids: smallest particle size, highest energy content, long shelf life, suspended state. It is more effective, bioavailable, more energetic and durable, does not form compounds with other substances, does not cause deposits and is overdose-free.

Our offer for your health

Colloidal Iridium from Trimedea is available in violet glass bottles in two sizes: 500 ml and 1000 ml.