Kolloidale Metalle von TRIMEDEA

for a healthy
body and mind

Kolloidale Metalle - hergestellt mit HVAC / Bredig Verfahren mit 10.000 Volt

Colloidal Metals: Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please write us an email to in**@tr******.com.

Colloidal metals: What is the difference between electrolysis and high-voltage plasma processes?

During electrolysis, ionic solutions are formed = smallest ions dissolved in water that are very reactive.

The high-voltage plasma process produces real colloids = a colloidal dispersion. The smallest neutral particles float in the water and do not settle.

The effect, bioavailability and effectiveness in the body is basically dependent on the manufacturing process. Electrolysis is used in the home and semi-professional sector. High-voltage plasma process is used in the professional sector. True colloids can only be produced purely technically using the high-voltage plasma process, chemical production or by means of high-energy short-pulse lasers.

The high-voltage plasma process briefly explained:

Manufacturing process: Biological benefits

High-voltage plasma process (HVAC), also called Bredig process, produces real colloids in a dispersion with very high energetic charge.

High-voltage electrolysis produces ionic solutions with high energetic charge depending on the volt range.

Low-voltage electrolysis produces ionic solutions with relatively low energetic charge.

Kolloidale Metalle - Herstellungsverfahren
Colloidal metals: relationship between concentration (ppm) and effect in the body – bioavailability?

The higher the ppm number (concentration), the lower the effect and bioavailability!

Concentrations of 5ppm or 10ppm are completely sufficient and have optimal effects in the metabolism. They are small enough to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and can significantly influence the metabolism inter- and extracellularly.
High-energy colloids, produced in the high-voltage plasma process, bring reaction energy into the metabolism. Consequence: The metabolism functions more economically (less energy input from the body) and the metabolism can run faster if required.

Colloidal metals: cluster formation = significantly larger particles at high concentrations

What does cluster mean and when do they occur?
The longer the production process runs, the stronger the colouring/cloudiness becomes. With stronger colouration and thus concentration, several small particles combine to form larger particles = clusters. Clusters are larger units (50nm to 200nm). This clustering happens during production as more and more particles (ppm concentration) are introduced into a confined space/vessel.

The larger the particles/clusters become, the less energy these particles have and the lower the effect in the body and bioavailability. From a bio-logical point of view, it makes no sense to take higher concentrations (e.g. 20ppm, 50ppm or 100ppm).

Concentration and Bioavailability

The higher the concentration in ppm, the larger the particles due to the clustering that takes place.
High concentrations automatically lead to lower bioavailability because larger particles can no longer cross the blood-brain barrier, for example, or reach other finest structures in our body.
Larger particles have a lower energetic charge and thus bring only little metabolic energy with them.

Kolloidale Metalle Konzentration / Bioverfügbarkeit

Particle size and Effectiveness

The smaller the particles (in nanometres), the easier it is for the particles to reach the most remote areas of the body and to pass through the blood-brain barrier.
The particle size increases when the concentration (ppm) is increased (see clustering). This results in a more beautiful and intense colouring of metals such as gold, but the bioavailability and effectiveness decreases significantly. A distinction must be made between ionic solution (electrolysis) and true colloids (high-voltage plasma process).

Zusammenhang Partikelgröße - Wirksamkeit
What happens if the colloids are delivered in winter in a very cold state?

If you receive your colloids in a cold state, simply let them warm up slowly at room temperature. The energy that was “extracted” by the low temperatures (the metal particles are still in the sealed bottles!) is added back by heat. To shorten the time, place the bottles on or next to a radiator.

Under no circumstances should you heat up/bring the colloids to temperature directly in the microwave or on an induction hob!

Colloidal metals: What influence does the manufacturing process have on the price?

Current metal prices play a rather subordinate role in the final price of the products sold.

Electrolysis can be automated very easily and is therefore multipliable/scalable and thus cheaper.
This means that two metal rods are suspended in water and supplied with direct current, and depending on the voltage, current intensity and time, the ionic solution is ready after a few minutes to hours. Harder metal cannot be produced with low-voltage electrolysis – at least not under economic conditions. With low-voltage electrolysis, gold, for example, can only be produced 1ppm per day (24 hours). If solutions with 20, 50 or 100ppm are then offered, it is easy to calculate under which conditions and time expenditure this is realistic or possible.

During production, electronics regulate voltage, current and time depending on the metal. So you could go for a walk and almost nothing can go wrong.

The manufacturing process with high-voltage plasma methods cannot be automated.
Every second of the manufacturing process must be monitored, as 10,000 volts and the plasma flame cause the metal electrodes to oscillate. If the distance between the two electrodes is too small, there is a short circuit. If the distance becomes too large, the plasma flame goes out and from that moment on, high-voltage electrolysis takes place – which we definitely do not want! We do not want to go into the dangers of working with 10,000 V and a plasma flame between 3,000 and 4,000 degrees Celsius here.

The usually higher prices of colloidal metals produced with the high-voltage plasma process are mainly working time for monitoring and adjusting the production process. In return, the quality, bioavailability and effectiveness is a completely different world than electrolysis with ionic solutions.

Colloidal metals: what is an ionic solution (electrolysis)?

Electrolytic production = electrolysis always produces ionic solutions.

In an ionic solution, ions of the respective metals are combined with water. Ions are very reactive particles that immediately react chemically as soon as reaction partners such as skin, saliva, mucous membranes, stomach acid, etc. are brought into contact with them. It is very unlikely that reactive ions reach the far “distant” cells in the body via the mouth (oral mucosa, saliva), oesophagus (mucous membranes), stomach (stomach acid / hydrochloric acid, mucous membranes), small intestine (trillions of microorganisms), blood (blood cells, blood plasma) when ingested without first reacting chemically!

Electrolysis processes are differentiated into:
a) low-voltage electrolysis 9 to 60 volts (“silver generators”)
b) high-voltage electrolysis processes up to 10,000 volts.

Certainly, some real colloids will be produced during the production process, but the ratio between ionic solution and real colloids is rather 90 to 10.

Ionic solutions such as “silver water”, which was produced by electrolysis, can lead to the often quoted argyrie (blue discolouration of the skin) if taken in the right amount and for the right length of time.

Colloidal metals: What is a colloidal dispersion (high-voltage plasma process)?

High-voltage plasma process: Creation of real colloids as colloidal dispersion

In the high-voltage plasma process, voltages of up to 10,000 volts are used to generate a plasma flame with temperatures between 3,000 and 4,000 degrees Celsius.

The high voltage and plasma flame dissolves the smallest particles (1 – 20nm) from the pure metals, when these high-energy particles in the water cool down abruptly (condense). The high energy content of the particles/colloids ensures the repulsion processes and floating state, so that no particles settle as sediment after a longer period of time. The purest metals of 99.90% to 99.99% purity are usually used here. Not all metals can be obtained as 99.99% under economic conditions, such as rhodium and iridium.

The more complex technology with the high-voltage plasma process as well as the time-consuming production are usually only used by professional suppliers with high-quality technology and a deeper understanding of the chemical, physical and physiological relationships.

Conclusion: If you want to use colloidal metals for your health with the highest possible bioavailability and effect, without risks or possible side effects, you can hardly avoid the high-voltage plasma process. With the high-voltage plasma process, the best possible quality of the colloids is achieved under economic conditions (smallest particles, highest particle charge, long shelf life, suspended state) if the colloids are produced correctly.

Colloidal metals: relationship between colour intensity and bioavailability

The more intense the colour of colloidal metals, the less bioavailable and effective they are!
In our production, we are concerned with energy-rich particles, optimal effect, highest effectiveness and best possible bioavailability, not with the “most beautiful” colour!
Some colloidal metals look very beautiful with a deep red or ruby red colour (beware: dyes are often used here!), but we are concerned with effectiveness, best possible effects and bioavailability.
Concentrations of 5ppm to 10ppm produce a clear to light colouration depending on the metal. The colloidal dispersions with high-voltage plasma are always clear! The higher the concentration of the metals (20-100ppm), the more intense the colouration, the cloudier the liquids and thus less effective!

Metals in the high-voltage plasma process can show the following slight colouring:

  • Gold: pink, violet, purple
  • Silver: light yellowish
  • Copper: yellowish, brown
  • Chrome: yellowish
  • Platinum: light grey
  • Iridium: silvery metallic
  • Rhodium: silvery metallic
  • Palladium: brown, yellowish
  • Iron: brown, yellowish
  • Vanadium: light yellowish
  • Zinc: silvery metallic
  • Tantalum, cobalt, molybdenum, germanium and other metals: mostly clear
Why is colloidal gold from Trimedea not ruby red or deep red?

The production of colloidal gold in the high-voltage plasma process always produces slight colour nuances, such as light pink, purple or violet. The colour in each case also depends on external influences such as the time of day of production, prevailing high or low pressure areas, electromagnetic radiation affecting the location, the energetic structure of the water, etc. The colour of the gold is not always the same.

When manufacturers advertise a consistent colour such as ruby red and promise the same colour/quality every time, we at Trimedea assume that dyes are used to ensure a consistent colour. As we produce countless litres every day, we know some of the influences and colourings and also the impossibility of always achieving the same gold colouring!

What quality of water do we use to produce our colloidal metals?

The following water quality is used at Trimedea for the production of all colloidal metals:

  • Water filtration by reverse osmosis
  • 1. water distillation
  • 2. water distillation in other distillation equipment
  • Water activation with UMH Master
  • For production, the water has a conductivity of <0.5 μs (microsiemens)

Subsequently, the production takes place in a high-voltage plasma process with 10,000 volt transformers.

Are there risks and side effects when using colloidal metals?

No, if produced professionally and used as recommended, no side effects have been reported so far when taking colloidal metals produced by the high-voltage plasma process. Risks and side effects are possible with electrolysis/ionic compounds, as reactive ions come into direct chemical contact with substances or tissues such as oral mucosa, saliva or gastric acid.

How are colloidal metals applied and dosed?

Ingestion of colloidal solutions of Trimedea

Especially at low concentrations (5-10ppm) and small particle size (< 20nm), colloidal dispersions have proven to be very effective, as the energy content of the colloids is the highest and thus lasts the longest and can act in the body’s metabolism.

It is optimal to keep the colloidal solution in the mouth for 1-3 minutes so that the particles can migrate directly into the blood via the oral mucosa. Because of the electrical charge, a plastic or wooden spoon should be used for this – not a metal spoon.
A shot glass is also very suitable. 1cl = 10ml, 3cl = 30ml etc.

Adults can take a tablespoon (plastic spoon!) of approx. 15-30ml 2 x per day, 1 x in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 x in the evening before dinner.

Children can take one teaspoon (plastic spoon!) with approx. 5-15ml 2 x per day, 1 x in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 x in the evening before dinner.

Infants can take half a teaspoon (plastic spoon!) with approx. 3 – 10ml 2 x per day, 1 x in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 x in the evening before dinner.

External use: Optimal use is to spray the affected area with a spray bottle. We offer violet glass bottles (100ml) with the following metals: gold, silver, copper, zinc and cobalt.