Colloidal Vanadium 10ppm

56,55 87,00 

Colloidal Vanadium: lowers blood sugar and cholesterol

The many effects of essential vanadium are little known – but it plays an important role in our body. Colloidal vanadium contributes to the mineralization of bones and teeth, it is involved in fat metabolism and important in muscle and body growth. In combination with chromium, vanadium is successfully used in diabetes and for better regulation of insulin and sugar metabolism.

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Benefits of colloidal vanadium

  • Stimulates movement and activates the circulation
  • Lowers blood sugar and increases insulin sensitivity
  • Helps in muscle building and body growth
  • Lowers cholesterol and prevents vascular deposits
  • Helps in muscle building and body growth
  • Supports the mineralization of bones and teeth

Further range of application

  • In combination with chromium very good help with diabetes
  • Supports weight control
  • Regulates production and secretion of sex hormones
  • Improves regulation and function of sexual organs
  • Balances cholesterol level and improves LDL/HDL ratio
  • Protects the vascular system and keeps arteries supple

What is colloidal vanadium?

Real colloidal vanadium is very fine vanadium particles that float in water and do not form a compound with the water - in contrast to ionic vanadium solutions (electrolytic production). The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometers (1 nm = one billionth of a meter). The particles of this liquid dispersion can be produced by various manufacturing processes, which, depending on the process, have a significant influence on the properties and quality. You can learn more about the application and dosage of colloids in the FGS info portal.

Manufactured using the high-voltage plasma process

At Trimedea, we have opted for the complex high-voltage plasma process with 10,000 volts. This is because only this high-quality technology, when used correctly, achieves the best possible quality of colloids: smallest particle size, highest energy content, long shelf life, suspended state. It is more effective, bioavailable, more energetic and durable, does not form compounds with other substances, does not cause deposits and is overdose-free.

Our offer for your health

Colloidal vanadium from Trimedea is available in violet glass bottles in two sizes: 500 ml and 1000 ml.