IQ Balancer von TRIMEDEA

Booster for Effective
and Fast Learning

Kolloidale Metalle - hergestellt mit HVAC / Bredig Verfahren mit 10.000 Volt

Questions and Answers: Interesting Facts

We have listed the most frequently asked questions about the IQ Balancer here – and the answers. If your question is not answered here, please e-mail us to in**@tr******.com.

What is ultrasound?

Between 20 Hz and 20 kHz (20,000 Hz) are the frequencies that the human ear can perceive. Our hearing spectrum is influenced by age, occupation and gender. With increasing age, the audibility of the upper frequencies decreases to around 12 kHz. Sounds that are higher than the audible frequency range are called ultrasound. It includes frequencies from 20 kHz to 1 GHz. Young people can often still hear a few kHz in the ultrasonic range.

In which frequency range does the ultrasound signal operate?

In the IQ Balancer we use an analogue generated ultrasonic signal with a frequency between 40 – 50 kHz = 40,000 to 50,000 Hz.


Can the ultrasound of the IQ Balancer cause damage to the body?

No. The energy of the two sounders that transmit the ultrasound signal into the body is very low (low-level energy). In contrast to ultrasound devices used in medicine for diagnostics or in cosmetics for skin treatment, the energy per square centimetre on the skin is very low.

Is the ultrasound signal generated in analogue or digital form?

The ultrasound signal is generated analogue because this achieves the best biocompatibility and effect in the body. Everything in nature works analogue.

Is the pink noise analogue or digitally generated?

Pink noise is generated digitally as a broadband signal (1 – 20,000 Hz) by a special chip. With pink noise, all frequencies in this frequency range are generated simultaneously and are audible. In terms of its frequency spectrum, pink noise is similar to stream noise or wave noise.


Why is digital ultrasound signal generation not optimal compared to analogue signal generation?

Signal and information transmission in nature is analogue. This means that we have optimally adapted these signal characteristics in the IQ Balancer. Digitally generated pulses have a different characteristic and are not as biocompatible as analogue signals.

How do the signals reach the subconscious via the skin?

The IQ Balancer’s special sounders are applied to the skin. The main signal in the IQ Balancer consists of an ultrasound signal with a special coding, which reaches the sacculus (organ of balance in the inner ear) via the skin. From there it is transmitted to other areas and deeper centres of the subconscious.

Why is ultrasound used to convey content?

Everything we hear through our ears reaches our critical mind, which acts as a filter and only allows what fulfils certain conditions to pass through to the subconscious. In the course of our lives, we have established many habits and patterns in ourselves that are rather detrimental to us. These patterns are “defended” by the “critical factor” (boundary between the conscious and subconscious mind) and anything new is prevented from penetrating the subconscious.

Dr Patrick Flanagan and later Martin Lenhardt have confirmed that we can also perceive ultrasound. The ultrasound signal of the IQ Balancer bypasses this filter and at the same time brings the body into a very relaxed and receptive state (alpha state).

How should I use the audio programmes?

The audio programmes can be played on the IQ Balancer in two ways.

  1. The audio programmes are stored on a micro SD card, which is inserted into the card slot of the IQ Balancer. From there, the audio signals are modulated onto the IQ Balancer’s ultrasound signal and are transmitted to the body via the skin using the transducers supplied. The advantage of this application is that no additional devices are required.
  2. Alternatively, the audio programmes can be connected to an external playback device via a USB-C connection using a cable and played from there.
Can I listen to the audio content during the application (ultrasound)?

The audio content can be played on the IQ Balancer via the headphone output (via headphones or audio system). The audio content should not be listened to while using the IQ Balancer, as this would impair biocompatibility. Therefore, you should only listen to the audio content and then start the application with the ultrasound signal later.

Can the audio information (programmes) also only be heard with headphones or an audio system?

Yes, our audio programmes for the IQ Balancer (or audio content in general) can be listened to with headphones or an audio system via the integrated headphone socket. The integrated pink noise can be switched on in addition to the audio signal.

The cable of the sounders seems very short, how long is it?

The cable is shown shorter in the pictures for visual reasons. The cable has a length of 50 cm. A 1 m extension cable is also included in the scope of delivery.

Does the device have a rechargeable battery?

A rechargeable LiFePo battery with a capacity of 2,400 mA is permanently installed in the device.

Why is the battery installed permanently?

Different battery types such as LiFePo, NiMh etc. have different charging characteristics and could lead to various problems even if they are mixed. To rule these out, we have opted for the safest option: the permanently integrated but replaceable battery.

How long will the battery last?

Approx. 8 hours in normal operation. Depending on how many outputs (headphones, ultrasound, pink noise, audio content) are used.

How do I charge the battery?

The battery is charged via the USB-C socket. USB-C charging cable, cable and adapter are included in the scope of delivery.

How long is the battery life, and can the battery be replaced?

If used correctly (for more information, see the instructions for use supplied), the battery has a service life of around 2,000 charging cycles. With daily use of 8 hours, this corresponds to approx. 5 years. The device can then be sent to the manufacturer for a replacement (costs around 30 euros).