Special Set for Bones, Osteoporosis & Wound Healing

Strengthens bone metabolism (osteoporosis) and accelerates wound healing after bone fractures Colloidal silicon, colloidal gold, sango coral (8 μm) and silicon dioxide (4 μm) in the smallest particle size for optimum bioavailability: this special combination creates the conditions for rapid and optimum repair processes in the event of increased bone resorption, after bone fractures (e.g. femoral neck, foot and knee joint, arm, collarbone, jawbone, spine) and for callus formation. e.g. femoral neck, foot and knee joint, arm, collarbone, jawbone, spine) and for callus formation.

Original price was: 452,90 €.Current price is: 276,27 €.

Includes 19% MwSt.
Additional costs (e.g. for customs or taxes) may occur when shipping to non-EU countries.

SKU: SP-Knochen Category: Tags: ,

Special set for bones, osteoporosis and wound healing:
Instead of 452.90 euros only 276.27 euros
41 % discount* on the normal price

Advantages of the Special Set for Bones, Osteoporosis & Wound Healing

  • 1 l Colloidal Silicon 10 ppm: important element for all structural tissues, especially bones
  • 1 l Colloidal Gold 10 ppm: activates the brain metabolism, brightens the mood and increases creativity
  • 300 g Sango Pur: all important minerals in an optimal composition for bone metabolism
  • 30 g Silizium Pur: Silicon in the best possible bioavailable form for rebuilding processes after bone fractures
  • 100 ml Colloidal Silver: spray for external use in wound healing of scar tissue, anti-inflammatory
  • 100ml Colloidal Silicon: spray for external use for wound healing, skin regeneration, scar tissue

Special Set for Bones, Osteoporosis & Wound Healing

Strengthens bone metabolism (osteoporosis) and accelerates wound healing after bone fractures

What are colloidal metals and how do you take them?

Genuine colloidal metals are very fine metal particles that are suspended in water and do not form a bond with the water - unlike ionic solutions (electrolytic production). The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometers (1 nm = one billionth of a meter). The particles of this liquid dispersion can be produced by various manufacturing processes, which have a considerable influence on the properties and quality depending on the process. You can find out more about the use and dosage of colloids in the FGS information portal. Further information on particle size (nm), concentration (ppm), efficacy and bioavailability can be found in our FAQ here. You can find outwhy colloidal metals are so important as catalysts and metabolic accelerators here.
The high-voltage plasma process is best suited to the production of genuine colloidal metals from a bio-logical point of view. Here you can find out why production using electrolysis (= ionic solution / few real colloids) has more risks than advantages and what exactly the differences are.