All-round health and fitness with the TRIMEDEA Vital Set:

RMS L+ Lactic Acid Drops + Berry Vital + H2 Pur + Skin Repair colloids + Colloidal Nasal Spray: A combination for the perfect balance of energy and anti-ageing for body, mind and soul. Protects against premature signs of ageing, provides natural diversity for intestinal health, helps with allergies and nasal congestion and various skin problems. All products optimally protected in violet glass bottles.

Original price was: 197,40 €.Current price is: 159,00 €.

Includes 19% MwSt.
Additional costs (e.g. for customs or taxes) may occur when shipping to non-EU countries.

Instead of 197,40 Euro*
Only 159,00 Euro
More than 19 % savings!

All-round health and fitness with the TRIMEDEA Vital Set:

  • 200 ml RMS L+ lactic acid drops: for pH balance in blood, intestine and tissue
  • 250 ml Berry Vital: vascular protection, blood circulation and intestinal health through secondary plant substances
  • 30 tablets H2 Pur: molecular hydrogen against premature ageing and as an energy booster
  • 100 ml Skin Repair Colloids: for a wide range of skin problems and cosmetic treatments using equipment
  • 30 ml Colloidal Nasal Spray for reducing swelling of the nasal mucosa and for care, for allergic symptoms


For gut health, energy and natural detoxification

What are colloidal metals, and how do you take them?

True colloidal metals are very fine metal particles that are suspended in water and do not form a bond with the water – unlike ionic solutions (electrolytic production). The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometres (1 nm = one billionth of a metre). The particles of this liquid dispersion can be produced by different manufacturing processes, which have a considerable influence on the properties and quality depending on the process. Further information on particle size (nm), concentration (ppm), efficacy and bioavailability can be found in our FAQ here. 

You can find out more about the use and dosage of all Trimedea products in the FGS information portal. Further articles and information on the topic of health in the topic overview.