UMH Energy 300

UMH Energy 300: For interference suppression of computers, cell phone transmitters, cordless telephones, geopathic interference zones and environmental influences of any kind


Includes 19% MwSt.
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SKU: UMH-Energy-300 Category:

UMH Energy 300 for protection against:

  • Electrosmog exposure caused by high-frequency radiation fields, UMTS transmission masts, WLAN, Bluetooth, radar, TV, radio and radio transmitters, air traffic, cell phones, cordless phones, cell phone masts
  • Electromagnetic interference fields from computers, printers, electrical devices, etc.
  • Geopathic interference zones, water veins and the like

Expert reports on the effects and impacts of UMH Energy can be found here:

The daily use of cell phones, DECT phones, WLAN computer connections and the ever-increasing high-frequency radiation (electrosmog) lead to permanent stress in the body. During the day and especially at night, it is important for our body to rest so that repair and regeneration processes can take place.

UMH Energy provides additional protection against current shedding phenomena.

Helpful protection against electrosmog and interference zones

It is well known that the use of cell phones, DECT phones, 5G, WLAN computer connections, etc. creates high-frequency electrosmog / electrostress. For many years, experts and, more recently, the German Medical Association have been warning that electrosmog poses an acute threat to health.

Cordless DECT telephones and WLAN computer networks bring your own mobile phone transmitter into your home and expose your body to high levels of radiation because these systems continuously emit high-frequency pulsed radiation. Even simple TV, radio and radio transmitters, transformer lamps, clock radios, dimmers, high-voltage power lines, etc. cause electrosmog/electrostress.

Among other things, electrosmog can lead to sleep disorders, headaches, EEG changes, cardiac arrhythmia, dizziness, nervousness and chronic weakness. Heart attacks and cancer are also clearly associated with it.

Especially the immature organism of children and people with a weakened body’s own defense system react conspicuously to this pulsed radiation. Many studies and research results have shown that cell damage is caused by cell phone radiation.