Kolloidales Rhodium in Violettglasflasche 500ml und 1000ml

Colloidal Silicon: For us a master element, a very important and versatile metal

As the second most abundant element on earth, silicon is also of outstanding importance in our bodies for our well-being and health. The advantages and positive properties of colloidal silicon are – in contrast to ionic silicon solutions – fundamental and very significant in terms of effects in metabolism, reaction energy, bioavailability, benefits, risks and product prices.

Not many manufacturers can produce real colloidal silicon because, like germanium, it is extremely brittle and breaks quickly at high voltages (10,000 volts – plasma). Genuine colloidal silicon has no risks or side effects when used as recommended.

Advantages of colloidal silicon

  • Increases performance in cardiac insufficiency, heart failure and general weakness
  • Structural element for connective and supporting tissue, bones, tendons and ligaments
  • Increased formation of elastin and collagen fibres
  • Leads to more elasticity in the vascular system (arteries/veins)
  • Improves the energy formation processes in the cells/mitochondria

Areas of application for colloidal silicon

  • Detoxification and elimination throughout the body
  • Enhancement of immune function and immune intelligence
  • Generally structuring and structure-building element
  • Strengthening of skin, hair and nails
  • Poorly healing wounds & skin complaints (also external use)
  • Alleviates the symptoms of joint complaints (also external application)

What is colloidal silicon?

Real colloidal silicon is very fine silicon particles that float in water and do not form a bond with the water. The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometres (1 nm = one billionth of a metre). The particles of this liquid dispersion can be created by various manufacturing processes, which have a significant influence on the properties and quality depending on the process. You can find out more about the use and dosage of colloids in the FGS info portal. You can find more information on particle size (nm), concentration (ppm), efficacy and bioavailability in our FAQ here.  You can find much worth reading on the complex of topics silicon, silicon dioxide and zeolite on our info portal.

Manufactured in high-voltage plasma process

At Trimedea, we have opted for the complex high-voltage plasma process with 10,000 volts. This is because only this high-quality technology achieves the best possible quality of the colloids when used correctly: smallest particle size, highest energy content, long shelf life, suspended state. It is more effective, bioavailable, more energetic and durable, does not form compounds with other substances, does not lead to deposits and is overdose-free.

Our offer for your health

Colloidal silicon from Trimedea is available in violet glass bottles in three sizes: 100 ml, 500 ml and 1000 ml.

Colloidal silicon for your health:
Choose premium quality from Trimedea

Energy-rich, durable, effective: vital master element
made from 99.9 % pure metal in the high-voltage plasma process

Note on the purchase of colloidal silicon

Colloids may not be declared as food, dietary supplements or medicines. The products are simply sold under the term “colloidal silicon”. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the indication of the manufacturing process. It provides important information about the quality, particle size, concentration, colloid energy and shelf life.