Sango Pur: Sango Meeres Koralle in optimaler Bioverfügbarkeit

Silicon dioxide for effective detoxification and elimination of harmful substances

Silicon dioxide has unique properties and plays several important roles in metabolism. As a supplier of bioavailable silicon, it provides structure formation, stability, flexibility and elasticity.

Silicon dioxide is an optimal supply, receiver and transmitter of information and bio-photons. The effect: purification on all levels – in body, mind and soul.

Silizium Pur has biophysical properties for energy conversion through its piezo- and photoelectric properties. And it provides for the transmutation of unnatural and destructive oscillation patterns (pollutant information in the body water / cell water) into constructive and natural energy fields.

Silizium Pur: Siliziumdioxid Pulver

Advantages of Silizium Pur

  • Perfectly suited for detoxification and elimination of harmful substances such as aluminium, heavy metal compounds, environmental toxins, vaccine additives, etc.
  • Individual dosage
  • Very large active surface due to ultra-fine particle size
  • Unique and measurable activation and energisation with UMH technology
  • Best possible protection in violet glass
  • Detoxification and cleansing for body, mind and soul

Bioavailability: The finer the particles, the more effective they are

Through a technically very complex process for activating and energising the silica particles, the unique properties (UMH Energy Technology) for purification can take place on a material, spiritual-informational and energetic level. The particle size of 3-4 μm is very fine.

Bioavailable silicon is a structure-giving and structure-forming element for bones, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, skin, elastin and collagen fibres and vascular walls. It improves the performance of heart muscle cells, conduction and energy formation. With its piezoelectric and photoelectric properties, silicon has much greater and more far-reaching effects in the body and metabolism than previously communicated.


For holistic material and energetic cleansing

In addition, Silizium Pur is activated with UMH technology. The silicon dioxide can additionally use its special properties as a receiver, storage and transmitter of information and frequency patterns for an energetic cleansing of unnatural vibration patterns and pollutant information.

Convince yourself of the quality: You will receive the silicon dioxide powder in a practical and shapely container made of light-proof violet glass with a content of 30 grams.

Dosage information: With Silizium Pur we recommend taking 50 to 300 milligrams daily – 100 milligrams correspond to the enclosed level measuring spoon (large). Detailed information on the use and dosage of Silizium Pur can be found on the FGS info portal.

Read more about the power and properties of silica on the FGS info portal.

Silicon dioxide for effective and natural cleansing processes and as a bioavailable silicon source

Ultra-fine particle size (3,5 micrometres)
for optimal bioavailability



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Forschungsverein Gesundheit und Sport