
Colloidal silver - real colloids bioavailable and effective

Colloidal silver: Finest silver particles help against many symptoms

For many years, natural medicine has known colloidal silver as a helpful remedy against bacteria and fungi. Colloidal silver has many positive properties: it acts like a natural antibiotic, relieves inflammation and pain, and is versatile.

Colloidal Siber benefits

  • Inhibits excessive inflammation and infection
  • Effective for conjunctivitis and otitis media
  • Natural antibiotic for many “bacterially caused” complaints
  • Supports the formation of the body’s own stem cells
  • Accelerates cell repair processes
  • Regulates bacterial imbalances
  • Reduces fungal infections
  • Accelerates wound healing in burns, cuts, open wounds
  • Reduces the pain and discomfort of insect bites and stings

Range of application for colloidal silver

  • Cold symptoms
  • Inflammations (internal and external)
  • Open and poorly healing wounds, abrasions, burns
  • Skin diseases: Acne, impure skin, neurodermatitis, warts, psoriasis
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Fungal infections
  • joint pain, rheumatism
  • Has a calming effect as the vagus / parasympathetic nervous system is activated
  • Starts & activates repair processes

What is colloidal silver?

Real colloidal silver is very fine silver particles that float in water and do not form a compound with the water – in contrast to ionic silver solutions that are produced by electrolysis. The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometers (1 nm = one billionth of a meter). The particles of this liquid dispersion can be produced by various manufacturing processes, which, depending on the process, have a significant impact on the properties, bioavailability and quality. Learn more about the application and dosage of colloids in the FGS info portal.

Manufactured with high voltage plasma process

We at Trimedea have chosen the complex high-voltage plasma process with 10,000 volts. Because only with this high quality technology we achieve the best possible quality of colloids when used correctly: smallest particle size, highest energy content, long shelf life, suspended state. It is more effective, more energetic, more bioavailable and durable, does not form compounds with other substances, does not lead to deposits and is overdose-free.

Our offer for your health

Colloidal silver from Trimedea is available in violet glass bottles in three sizes: 100 ml (spray bottle), 500 ml and 1000 ml.

Colloidal silver for your health:​
Choose premium quality from Trimedea

Energy-rich, durable, bioavailable, free of side effects: vital trace element
Manufactured from 99.99% pure metal using the high-voltage plasma process

Note on the purchase of colloidal silver

Colloids may not be declared as food, dietary supplements or medicines. The products are simply sold under the term “colloidal silver”. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the indication of the manufacturing process. It provides important information about the quality, particle size, concentration, colloid energy and shelf life.