Colloidal Tantal 5ppm

70,20 108,00 

Colloidal Tantal: effective means for detoxification and cell protection.

Colloidal Tantal is an effective detoxification and elimination metal. The very rare element binds environmental toxins and harmful heavy metals and brings them to excretion. Tantalum is known for its neutrality in tissues and biocompatibility, it is therefore used in prostheses and screws in the body.

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Benefits of colloidal tantalum

  • Has a strong detoxifying and cleansing effect on the body
  • Strengthens physical endurance
  • Neutralizes and protects against excessive exposure to radiation
  • Effectively eliminates environmental toxins such as wood preservatives, formaldehyde, glyphosate
  • Neutralizes and eliminates harmful heavy metal compounds
    Helps against nausea and malaise

Further range of application

  • For chronic complaints with no apparent cause
  • Relieves malaise and nausea
  • For elimination and detoxification
  • Increased protection against electrosmog and unnatural radiation
  • For prevention and cleansing of the body
  • For complaints that occur after years of smoking

What is colloidal tantal?

Real colloidal tantalum is very fine tantalum particles that float in water and do not form a compound with the water - unlike ionic tantalum solutions. The size of the individual particles is between 1 and 20 nanometers (1 nm = one billionth of a meter). The particles of this liquid dispersion can be produced by various manufacturing processes, which, depending on the process, have a significant influence on the properties and quality. You can learn more about the application and dosage of colloids in the FGS info portal.

Manufactured using the high-voltage plasma process

At Trimedea, we have opted for the complex high-voltage plasma process with 10,000 volts. This is because only this high-quality technology, when used correctly, achieves the best possible quality of colloids: smallest particle size, highest energy content, long shelf life, suspended state. It is more effective, bioavailable, more energetic and durable, does not form compounds with other substances, does not cause deposits and is overdose-free.

Our offer for your health

Colloidal Tantal from Trimedea is available in violet glass bottles in two sizes: 500 ml and 1000 ml.