For Natural Drinking Water

Kolloidale Metalle - hergestellt mit HVAC / Bredig Verfahren mit 10.000 Volt


For Natural Drinking Water


  • Our modern water filtration systems provide you with fresh, pure, tasty and energised drinking water every day

  • Safely removes heavy metals, bacteria, fungi, spores, fluoride, chlorine, nitrate, drug residues and many other harmful substances

  • Exclusively by Aqua Naturalis: combination with UMH & SET technologies for the activation and vitalisation of your drinking water

AQUA NATURALIS: Wasserfiltersysteme für gesundes Trinkwasser

Six good reasons to choose

  • has the quality of natural, free-flowing water
  • high cleansing and dissolving power for complete removal of harmful substances from the body
  • enables a better utilisation of vital substances supplied with food
  • has a positive influence on the acid-base balance, improves the watery environment in the connective tissue and in the entire body. As a result, all metabolic processes are running more smoothly
  • the ideal drinking water for health, well-being and quality of life
  • easy to install, economical, cost-effective and saves a lot of money – every month

Exclusive high-performance filtration system for pure water throughout the house plus UMH water activation for the entire house plus osmosis drinking water

  • 53 l/min filtered water plus osmosis drinking water with UMH water activation (Master)
  • 3 x 20 inch filter (BIG) with 3 x pressure gauge: 2-stage sediment filter, 1 activated carbon block
  • Innovative osmosis module (scalable): 1.2 to 2.3 l/min electroless
  • Without pump, tank and electrical parts

Central water filtration system for the water in the entire house, plus UMH water activation for osmosis drinking water

  • 3 x 20 inch filters (BIG) with 3 x pressure gauge:
    2-stage sediment filter, 1 activated carbon block
  • 53 l/min filtered water in the whole house
  • Osmosis drinking water with UMH water activation
  • Innovative osmosis module:
    1.2 to 2.3 l/min currentless
  • Without pump, tank and electrical parts
  • Modular expandable osmosis drinking water
    filter system
  • With pre-filtration, remineralisation and
    UMH water activation
  • Without tank, pump or electrical parts

In this system, two high-performance filters with 20 l/min (SED 1μm, CTO 10μm) supply the RO module and the complete cold water (through a junction) with filtered water. After the UMH water activation, the osmosis drinking water reaches the drinking water faucet.

  • 2 x 10 inch pre-filters (exchangeable): SED 1μm, CTO 10μm
  • 1 x RO filter unit with 2 x 350 GDP membranes
  • Remineralisation cartridge
  • UMH water activation incl. hoses and adapters
  • Osmosis drinking water filter system, electricity-free
  • With pre-filtering, remineralization and
    UMH water activation
  • Without tank, pump or electrical parts

A sediment pre-filter (1μm, 10-inch housing) followed by an activated carbon block in the RO module with 2 x 350 GDP osmosis membranes ensure the purest water without pollutants. Subsequently, a slight remineralization of the water takes place – for optimal UMH water activation on the way to the faucet.

  • 1 x 10 inch pre-filter (changeable): SED 1μm
  • 1 x RO filter unit with 1 x activated carbon filter + 2 x 350 GDP membranes
  • Remineralization cartridge
  • UMH water activation incl. hoses and adapter

Very good entry-level solution for standard house filtration systems. The two sediment filters reduce suspended matter, sand and rust particles to 5μm in two stages, followed by filtration through an activated carbon block with 10μm to remove chlorine, organic compounds and other pollutants. This way, very pure water flows in all water pipes in the house, deposits in the house pipes are reduced to a minimum. With the filter capacity of 40 l/min, this set is suitable for small single-family homes.

  • 20-inch filter set for approx. 40 l/min
  • 1 x double filter housing for sediment filtration
  • 1 x double sediment filter (SED):
    1st stage 20μm, 2nd stage 5μm
  • 1 x BIG housing for activated carbon block filter (CTO)
  • 1 x activated carbon block filter 10μm
  • Incl. wall brackets and key

Optimal solution for high-performance house filtration systems. With the filter capacity of 53 l/min, this set is suitable for normal single-family homes. The sediment filters reduce suspended matter, sand and rust particles to 5μm (optional: 1μm) in two stages, followed by filtration through activated carbon block with 10μm to remove organic compounds, chlorine and other pollutants. Result: Very pure water flows in all domestic water pipes, deposits in the domestic pipes are reduced to a minimum.

  • 20-inch high-performance filter unit for approx. 53 l/min
  • 3 x BIG filter casings
  • 1 x double sediment filter (BIG):
    1st stage 20μm, 2nd stage 5μm/1μm
  • 1 x activated carbon block filter (BIG) 10μm
  • 3 x pressure gauge
  • Incl. wall brackets and key



Osmosis water filtration systems by Aqua Naturalis safely filter out:

Heavy Metal Compounds

Mercury, lead, copper, zinc, cadmium,
chromium, nickel …


Borrelia, coliform bacteria, salmonella, other bacteria, fungi and viruses

Pharmaceutical Residues

Antibiotics, hormones, blood pressure medication, psychotropic drugs

Radioactive Substances

Strontium, caesium, uranium, radium

Other Pollutants

Aluminium, nitrate, nitrite, fluoride, chloride, sulphate, PCBs

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The principle of Aqua Naturalis water filtration systems is based on several filters connected in series, a special membrane for reverse osmosis and the combination of two proven processes for vitalising and activating the water: UMH and SET. The dirt and pollutants filtered out automatically pass through a hose into the siphon of the sink and thus into the waste water.

AQUNA Propylene SED

PPS, 5μm:T he sediment filter is the first stage to remove larger particles and suspended matter such as dirt, mud, rust, sand, algae and sediment. This and the following filter stage serve to protect the reverse osmosis membrane to ensure its optimal function.


AKB, 5μm: The second filter stage is a specific combination of sintered activated carbon block and molecular polymers. It removes the majority of environmentally harmful chemical substances such as chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, solvents, organic materials, but also unpleasant odours and tastes.


The pure water is first swirled centripetally and broken down into small partial streams, whereby pollutant information is deleted. Then the water passes through a highly effective oscillation field, which is generated by specially informed liquids, gemstones and other natural energy sources. This creates hexagonal crystal structures that give the water unique properties.


The heart of our filter technology: the most efficient reverse osmosis membrane. Only the purest water molecules pass through the smallest pores (0.1 nanometres) of this membrane. Other substances, especially bacteria and viruses, are reliably filtered out.


Remineralisation of the pure and clean water is the next step in the preparation for the “revitalisation” of the water. The few minerals do not serve the body as a source of minerals, but are the basis of the subsequent UMH and SET energisation processes. The water is soft and tastes delicious – like fresh spring water.


The pure water is first swirled centripetally and broken down into small partial streams, whereby pollutant information is deleted. Then the water passes through a highly effective oscillation field, which is generated by specially informed liquids, gemstones and other natural energy sources. This creates hexagonal crystal structures that give the water unique properties.


The information and vibration energy of SET technology (oxygen energy therapy) is modulated and integrated onto the material in addition to the UMH vibration spectra. The result is a harmonious and natural vibration spectrum with manifold positive effects. With Aqua Naturalis you receive daily energetically enriched drinking water of the best quality and purity – directly from the tap.